As you know or have figured out by now that I haven't been doing much reborning since my husband died,
but been trying to get back to doing what I love. I really can't believe that he will be gone from me a whole year next month. I truly cannot figure out where I've been or what happened to time. I did do something that has given me a great deal of comfort and that was having a necklace that I designed custom made. Truly OOAK, our initials, the rose represents all of the ones I will never see again, my broken heart surrounds his heart that was made from a bracelet of his, the diamond represents all of my past, present and future tears. They did an EXCELLENT job on it, I was sooooo pleased that I cried. Now if I could just get the cemetary to get his marker and put it on his grave. I think that this would help me with better closure. Since they are now having financial problems I feel like I am getting the run around, it's almost 10 months. No, I don't understand it either, but my next move is a lawyer.

I haven't been idle, I painted the bathroom took a while to get those stripes painted one by painful one, but I did it. Guess I did a good job because everyone thought it was wallpaper!
Then I have worked off and on with my 16 inch porcelain "re-dressed dolls. This one has been sitting patiently on my sewing machine for months and I decided that I was tired of looking at her half finished wedding gown and it was time to do something about it. It really helped me to get going and complete "Bella", so pretty is the crying bride from Italy...tears of joy or is her heart broken too? You decide...and then
I finished two more. Yeahh! The Russian ballerina "Anastasia," her dance of "life is but a masquerade". Seeings that she has big flat feet and that makes her truly interesting! LOL She inspired me to do...
The hula dancer, Kailani from the beautiful Oahu island of Hawaii, so "hang loose baby". I was so pleased with how she turned out! Still have a few more to do, but again I feel that I made progress. Hope that they can get a home too!
Now there's Jeffery he's got an official name now, still a ways to go. Got his front teeth reshaped and painted after that great idea from my sister reborner. Loooks soooo much better that way, instead of those "George Washington" choppers look! No OFFENSE! He just didn't have baby looking teeth. I was glad that someone came up with the brilliant idea to try it and it worked. He still needs several more layers of flesh tone then I will put his more recent pics up. Gosh, I just can't wait to start rooting this huge head! May take me until Christmas! LOLROTF I do think that he's going to be a real cutie!

Moving on. Anyhooo, I cut off all of my hair again, just to hot and humid here with taking care of the yard and fighting the moles and voles was killing me...although I am an avid animal lover, they have GOT to go. I gave them every chance to evacuate my yard and they refused. Hope the pest control man gets them all to stay away because they are tearing up and killing my husband's yard and I've got a problem with that! Once again, straightened out my nursery and put things where they belong so that I could start back on the dolls; can't do clutter.
Then I took the plunge; Lil D and I took almost a 9 hour road trip to Gatlinburg, TN. First time drove that far alone although we did get to follow some friends for safety and 5 hour Energy is wonderful even if it only lasted for 4 with me. I had one incident that almost made me regret it when we got there, but God is GOOD and that's another story. All I can say is thank God for OnStar! No, no accidents!!! All in all it turned out to be a wonderful interesting time with family and friends! Lil D and I even got to see a real LIVE WILD black bear in his own natural element coming out of the open woods. Gorgeous specimen of an animal! Wished I could have gotten my camera, truly a Kodak moment, but I had to get to her to safety and remind kids the bear was not to be played with, it was NOT a toy. Lil D is tiny with a big heart but I wasn't going to let her end up a bear snack being brave either! She did really well there and back. I was so proud of her, still, I wished she could have driven some of the way, she slept in her high style puppy car seat the whole way unless we stopped! With her "cool pad" underneath (it was HOT but not nearly as humid as home). Riding in style, she had her special little harness keeping her safely fastened in place. It even has a little drawer to hold her treats and things. I just loved the fact that no matter what, we were together. The boys had fun at the birdy sitter too! LOL

I got to see the meaning of "smokey mountains"! How cool was that! An AWESOME view! I even worked up the nerve to go to the movie by myself a few days ago. Saw "Cowboys and Aliens" my kinda movie! Funny how a medium popcorn and soda was twice as much as the movie.
Okay, that brings you pretty much up to date on what has been going on while I was MIA.
I am trying to do better, I still have my moments and my website is so far behind it's sad, but I am doing one thing at a time, made you first. It's still been hard to focus and it took a while, however, I got these two both finished! So here are my fraternal twins, hopefully to find a home (or homes) soon (hint).
These big baby girls were
born August 1st at 4:06 pm and 4:14 pm.
Wispy (mohair) haired baby sis
Raven has blue gray luminous glass eyes is
8 lbs. 6 ozs.,
28 inches and youngest by 8 minutes (lol). Big sister
Paris with a full head of (human) hair and Masterpiece "Tempest" soft silicone eyes, that have tiny veins which is neat if I don't decide to change them, no doubt it could happen. She is
9 lbs. 2 ozs., 26 inches.
I haven't figured out that 2 inch difference yet since they both have the same BB #5298 bodies, but I will be doing a re-measure to ensure that I wasn't daydreaming when I did it. If it is correct maybe due to the fact that they were ordered at different times? Works for me anyway! LOL They just adore and comfort each other (hint, hint) and I just adore those chubby little hands and legs!! Still have to finish their portfolio:
Teary eyed little Paris has spit bubbles and so fussy unless cuddled, lots of cuddling. Happy little Raven has a milky tongue look and loves to eat and play with her big sis.
Well again brought you up to speed and I am apologizing for the length of time. I won't make any promises that I will be back tomorrow or next week or next month, but I will try and not make it so long. It makes for long reading! LOL
I will get it together and I will keep making myself move each foot, one in front of the other with God's help. Just thanks for being there!
From my heart to yours... Hugs, Judie