Saturday, December 9, 2017


😁 It was a very long day yesterday, but the good news is; my website is back and found out where it went! 😖Talked for 2 hours to the Square Tech Michael and he was wonderful and then he figured out what the problem was. 😊Now all I have to do is include a link on the page (duh) that I want and it will "take you" to the up and coming store. LOL Now, I am back on track.

My hubby's best friend (and now mine, claimed him after Tommie died) came after he got off work early yesterday morning and got the nut off. He then continued to install the faucet (in spite of my protest) and I am one HAPPY COOKIE, because the installer had put the original one on backwards...long story!! He knows that I am not one to ask for help unless I have exhausted everything that I can do. He told me that's what friends are for to help when you need them.👏🤗💖

Today me and my fur babies too it easy and went to see Santa! They were so cute Lil D in her Mz. Santa, LeLei in his Mr. Santa and little Missy as the elf! ☺😊 Can't wait to see so I'm patiently waiting on the emails now!!!

From my heart to yours... Hugs, Judie

Thursday, December 7, 2017


I hope that everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Several things have gone on since then!
I have been working with my new "fur" daughter, making progress. My great nephew just got married to a very lovely young lady and I hope that they will be very happy together! I have been trying to take a nut off of my kitchen sink (without success I might add) and had to throw in the towel and call in strong hands, coming in the morning! Yeah, because I have a mess going on in my kitchen right now. LOL

If you've been looking for my website, it's still there...out there..somewhere! 🌎🌑 I have been trying to set up my store page using Square thinking it would be simple and at one time and a few years earlier it might have been. I see that there are a few dynamics that I need to learn about it for certain. This is all that I know for now, I was supposed to be linking Square with my web provider however, something has obviously gone wrong.😒 The next problem is they don't have an operating phone number for some reason and for some time. Allegedly will be up an running tomorrow? Sure, we'll see. It's been a while I do know that! I will be posting this message on FB as well, it's just a little embarrassing when you direct people to it only to find's not there.

Well on the good side of things the little triplets are coming along nicely. They will be a nice deep honey brown with tummy plate birthmarks and umbilicus's that looks like they're just about to drop off (not overdone). They have veins and mottling. I like to let them cure for several days to a week depending on the number of layers I do since I'm using air-dry paints for them. In their case I'm using the Miracle Blend paints which is one of my faves. I have a few more details to do. Shading and doing their little palms and soles are next. Hopefully soon I will get to start on their hair.

Hopefully, I will have my website back in view soon too...grrrrrrr

From my heart to yours... Hugs, Judie

Saturday, November 11, 2017

The tiny triplet babies WIP

WIP: The tiny triplets (before), 2 sleeping girls identical and anatomically correct Jada and Jasmine ("Rosebud kit by Cindy Musgrove)

and a wide awake boy Jon (Chance kit by Sabine Hansen) with tummy plate are coming along.

Their skin tones, using.Miracle Blend permanent air-dry paints, will be a lovely chocolaty caramel color all with birthmarks. That's all that I can tell you now so stay tuned!

From my heart to yours... Hugs, Judie

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Pics of crawling toddler "Camelah Elaine" as promised!

Gorgeous auburn hair (TNGUN) 

 Showing off her little "teefers" (added by me) along with spit bubbles
 Easily styled, I used a small curling iron on warm to get these beautiful little curls!
Nighty, night! Hope that you enjoyed her and she comes with these outfits and more!

From my heart to yours... Hugs, Judie

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

The self destructive life of an Artist

Wanted to share this about the life of an Artist

How we put ourselves down not only as artists, but human beings. I am so guilty of many of these:
How we really can uplift ourselves, by first stop looking for others approval. We have to learn how to make ourselves happy. Remember how babies, in their innocence, can sit and play and laugh all by themselves without a care in the world? We need to empty our minds and get back to that innocence.

I am guilty of self-sabotage. I am re-learning/re-teaching myself how to love living with me. I am going to live for me, create my babies with love as always. Because, there is someone out there that will find and appreciate my talents for mine alone. I grant myself permission to be human! So there, got that off my chest!

I will soon be putting a very pretty Camelah Elaine photo shoot for you to see (ok, not the entire shoot, but some very enchanting photos). She is just adorable, Kenzie sculpt by Donna RuBert.

See ya soon, peace, love, power and God Bless!

From my heart to yours... Hugs, Judie

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Hope that you like the new LOOK!

Hi! I so hope that you had a marvelous and blessed weekend.
I also hope that you like the new look? Just seemed time for a change, so I decided to take the plunge and just DOIT!

I have been rooting that melon head of Camelah Elaine (just keep breaking needles on it, not cool). I do believe that she's going to be simply adorable if I might say so myself. OK, I will. She's going to be simply a-d-o-r-a-b-l-e! LOL Then, I want to get started on the "tiny ones". I just can't wait! I have always said that I am a slow painting artist. I just like to complete the baby / babies that I am working on, giving them my total focus before going to the next unless they are special orders. I always have and I am thinkin...I always will.

I even attended my 45th class reunion, kinda under protest, but glad that I did go to the banquet. It was kinda fun, good seeing some people that I hadn't seen since high school! Why did we have a "roaring twenties" theme? I don't know...I still tried to participate in spite of it and those that didn't. (snickering) I will have to get pictures on here soon!

Got to see "Sister Trip" and I haven't laughed that much in years! It was just good and the cast was ALL STAR in my book any day! Needed a break from all of the mess that's going on. Had to take my little Diva to the vet 2 weeks ago, doing something that she really rarely does...excuse me, but puking. Then she has been literally gnawing on her paws at certain times (one in particular) and that I figured was allergy related especially after it rains and she walks in the grass. She chews her own nails, turns those little suckers into cat claws and I do find that amazing, painful, but amazing. Then I had noticed that she had started losing weight but, in her case it was good because she is my little pudjums! I even asked her if she was putting herself on a diet...did I get an answer, no not really. However, if looks could kill. All joking aside, she was scaring me. I mean I understand that she'll be 10 next April but I am looking to spend with her another 10, God willing. She has been my rock and my little furry guardian angel through it ALL. So off to the vet and 4 meds (all total later poor thing had a yeast infection in her ears and on her paws which included a bacterial infection. She's doing much, much better no more puking, still does some itching after walking in wet grass, but less intense. My GURL is in love with her bland diet of boiled "chic/rice pattays" that I have been feeding her.You would think that she was getting prime rib. Will be transitioning her back to her regular diet and I am seriously thinking of changing that . Her little bro-bro has been giving her moral support, except when he pooped on the floor of the vet hospital (another not cool moment in time).

Well, been up all night guess I do need to go to bed! Have a wonderful day and yak back at ya soon! Next time pictures too!

From my heart to yours... Hugs, Judie

Tuesday, August 8, 2017


Still here! It's been so long, that I don't know where to begin! I have only been able to look at my blog through my phone which was a bummer and blinding to say the least when you get to be my age. For whatever reason, it wouldn't let me log in through my PC. "Today" I thought I'm going to give this one more try or just start over. I don't know what changed what I had for my P/W, but I found what works! YEAhhhhh!
So far behind, but here goes and long story short. Things that I have been up to: rebuilt my backdrop stand for my new beautiful backdrops. Here's a sample of a couple!

Then I have always wanted a seashell prop, but too expensive, even the fake ones! Finally found a pattern to make one! I am so proud of myself (my niece Stacey lent a hand in applying the plaster). Took forever to dry out completely, I found that she likes to play in the water, too funny but it came out so well. I gotta admit that I've been on a building mode for some reason, no matter I'm happy.
My little model and latest addition is Angel Marie, if you are wondering!

Angel Marie (Jewel sculpt) was to be a memory custom, but they could never get caught up, so I went ahead and painted her. She is done with BabyFX permanent air dry paints. I'm a little upset because MGDOLLS. com doesn't make these paints and powders anymore due to the expense...Sob! No matter all is not lost! MacPhersons Arts & Craft came out with RebornFX, very similar. I just wish that they get connected with the powders too, they are made specifically for reborning! I love them so much, I know I will just hate it when they run out.

 She has an anatomically correct tummy plate, beautiful newborn colored glass eyes and just precious!
 My current baby has been waiting on her hair (Auburn) for a little bit, poor thing. I didn't think that I would have quite enough for this one's head! LOL So, she's in the process of being rooted now. She is Camelah Elaine, Donna RuBert's crawling toddler "Kenzie". She didn't have teeth, so I have added them and spit bubbles for additional cuteness!

 So since Camelah is cutting teeth, she's got a little runny iritated nose, but still such a happy baby with hazel green eyes and peaches and cream complexion. Yes, she has a magnetic binkie and custom made body too! She's a big girl to say the least.
Also, in the works...tiny ones...I just finished the boy's outfit, the girls are fine so I just made them matching beanies. Just because they will be tiny doesn't mean they can't all look cute! And I love the nautical look on babies...I do, I DO!
I have been doing much, much, more but some has been related to other business. Now, that I can use my PC again, I am just so thankful! Yak at ya soon (sooner than the last time, LOL)!

From my heart to yours... Hugs, Judie

Friday, January 6, 2017

Welcome to the New Year!

I hope that you had an enjoyable Christmas and New Year! Christmas was fairly nice, family fun with lots of good food and games, but draining. Still...someone was missing and I know that it will NEVER be the same and 2016 wasn't very kind. I had a few issues going on with me personally, hope to have that resolved very soon. We had a rather serious upset in the reborn world. Seems someone has tried to monopolize the description of reborn combined with baby doll. Another big mess, using Baby FX air dry paints and loving them, then I find out they felt compelled to give up a wonderful product because of the expense in producing it. Shissh, that's so sad.

I have to have a new outlook, the other way definitely wasn't motivating to say the least, so I'm starting now! I have some custom memory babies that I am beginning to work on and completed a few cuties over the last year. 2017 is going to be an AWESOME way or another! LOL

I will slowly continue my progress until I am a full throttle and hopefully with fewer setbacks~I have finally modified my nursery work area to my liking, don't know why it took me so long to figure it out. Duhhh. No matter, I was always told better late than never!
One of my problems was that my work area was too small when I redid it. I don't even think it is more than 10 inches wide. The idea before was to rid myself of free-standing tables. It didn't quite work out for me as you can see. I literally felt right down claustrophobic before, hence the free standing table.

Happy to say that the new year, my creative juices once again began to slowly flow. A lady named Theresa at Menards was very helpful and resourceful in getting me what I needed to accomplish my design modification after we got on the same page. It's the first time that the men made no sense to me nor I to them apparently. I just needed and wanted to keep it simple, not elaborate. On January 1, I worked on staging my drop down leaf  (in truth it will probably never get dropped down (chuckling to myself)), but it's always possible if I need to! By the 2nd of January I had it all set up and ready for work. YEAHHHH!

The legs fold neatly under and attach to the bottom of the leaf with a hook and eye which was her great idea, I had something else in mind but this was just as sweet, cost effective and easier. Now that's more like it!

Well, I'll stop here and I have some wonderful photos to add for the next time that I hope that you'll enjoy. Until then sweet dreams and blessings!

From my heart to yours... Hugs, Judie