Well, here's the story long version short. After me being a nervous wreck, Lil D had surgery done to her knee and they repaired the meniscus, cartiledge and the ligament. They shaved off the entire leg and half her "bootiebangs". That is going to look weird for a little while, ya think! Her birthday was the next day, what a birthday present! lolrotf All joking aside my poor baby was in a lot of pain and had
a lot of swelling. So between drugs and cold packs I'd like to think that her discomfort level has been kept to a minimum. She only has 5 sutures but it looks like a total knee LOL (for such a little leg). She'll get them out next week and will be on "lockdown" looks like till July for complete healing. So she gets to walk enough to go potty, lost 1 lb. and she's getting back to her much missed personality. She loves riding in her stroller which has been a blessing to me and she is doing very well! This was on her birthday and the day after surgery.

Now I can get back to business. I guess with the rain, we went to sleep a little too early and I am wide awake! Which is good, I can show you that I have been productive as I could be. I have redone my website and I LOVE IT! Natalie has done an awesome job once again! I have one more page to setup with my MP eyes and baby items and it'll be completed! YEAAAAAHHHH!!! You just gotta see to appreciate and don't forget to sign my guestbook! Here's my link:
Little Jai-Li is soooo cute! She is almost ready for a birthday. Between her and Seth, I had hoped to have at least one of them done by Easter we shall see. Anyhooo, I used TNGUN hair for her and it's just soooo baby soft and worked beautifully for her!
I did complete her little custom outfits and got them pressed out. Excuse the pins, they are finished just haven't done update pics with all that was happening. I will show you how cute she's going to look! Sorry it's just a tease! LOL This is her little Chinese robe set:
and this is her other little Suit "traditional" Chinese knot button closures with Mandarin neckline integrated with a little western touch that I know her new mommy will just love!
From my heart to yours... Hugs, Judie
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