Monday, September 9, 2019

Catch up time!

I'll just say hello, it's been a while! I just don't know where the time goes! So, I'll just have to catch you up again. I just don't know where to begin. Well, I have been working on babies, some fantasy and others regular reborn.

This kit is "Empram" by Melody Hess. This little  girl stole my ❤️! She is truly gorgeous and accepts a real pacifier! I love her detail and those lips are just so kissable...mentioning kiss...

Don't ask why, but I had an epiphany as to "what would Gene Simmons look like as a baby"? Here's my vision! I really had to work with this one. I hand sculpted his tongue and took forever to get his face done not to mention his tongue in. Gene S was a retired and the long ago  "Lillian kit" by Antonio Juan.

He was rockin and definitely a hit at the show...I even bought him a mini bass guitar for the show!
So why did he have to come home with me? LOL

Now this little beauty is my albino werepup "Babita"- she's the Lucian Hybrid by Simon Laurens and she has her own little snuggle bed and friend.

She was another time consuming little hit! She even has a wolf pup howl (it's a small 10 sec recording that's removable). I feel in love with her, almost bought another kit at the show then came to my senses! 😵😲😉 I got the "Tinky" Manor Elf kit instead...I'll try just about anything in a kit at least once.

You can meet and adopt from my online web store:

Be on the lookout for "Tinky" and maybe one of her baby sisters in the near future!

From my heart to yours... Hugs, Judie

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