Thursday, September 12, 2013

You'll never guess...

This isn't a good month for me, so I throw myself into multiple projects because I can't multitask (thinking and working) at the same time. To make matters worse, they say it comes in 3's and I have had that in the last 2 days! One was a very wonderful cousin by marriage that passed and another was just a little baby, then my niece lost her half sister. I've had enough of bad news. Our 27th anniversary would have been tomorrow and the love of my life will be gone for 3 years the 25th. Time just seems to stand still for me, sometimes it seems like 3 months and then again 3 days then it seems like forever. I am improving, but my heart is still broken, I think that it will always be that way. You have your good moments, your up moments and even a few great moments, but that one memory pops in your head for some reason and you go rolling back down the hill. Thank God, it gets a little easier each time to pick yourself back up, it's slow but I can stand. With that being said.
You'll never guess what I've been up to! However, I'm just going to tease you with it! Yes, she's watching you...

From my heart to yours... Hugs, Judie


  1. Oh, I'm so sorry for all that you have been enduring lately :( I can relate, so I understand very much how it feels to have to deal with so many overwhelming and awful things. Please hang in there! Your work is just stunning!!!

  2. Thank you so much for your very uplifting words of kindness and understanding. I try to accept all that has happened as a part of life. Never-the-less, it does get overwhelming and I have to let it out some way. Again thank you!
