Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Custom baby makes it home!

I know that you have been waiting like forever to see this mystery baby! Life continues to dish out lemons so I keep trying to make lemonade. The new puppy had to have his baby fangs removed by the vet and I have seen a lot of puppy teeth but never with roots! I'm sure his gums are pretty darn sore because it was not easy getting them out. He's a baby so he's taking it in stride. A routine maintenance check on the the garage door went from $69.00 to $384.00 and it's been like this for one thing or another. Had to find a replacement latch for the patio door. There was no replacing the handle...grrrr and I wasn't about to replace the door to do it either! LOLROTF  Then the garage door keypad went out, got it working but went on and had a new one installed...yet...another story. Just little knat things that drives me nuts. Anyway, let me stop complaining and share the baby as promised!

I'm so pleased on how well she turned out! Her likeness was so incredibly on target that it was scary! I thought that I would never get all that hair rooted. Her mom even liked the color! I did textured skin, not that I like the feel of it but I do like the look of it. I hand rooted her eyelashes to make sure they were a perfect match.
I got her mom's permission and here she is:

and she loved her little dress, she loves dragonflies and thinks of her daughter when she sees them! Well enough, I will let her mom speak for herself!
 I got my baby girl this morning! I love her! You did an amazing job! God has blessed you with such a talent and I'm glad you are using it! I'm at a loss for words right now but the time and effort you put into your babies is undeniable!! Thanks for all the goodies! And the dress alone brought me to tea rs let alone her precious face! I will be ordering 2 more in the near future I would also like to have one of my oldest daughter and my son! You are just incredibly blessed and talented in your work! (: May God bless you for your kindness always! Love you so much for gifting me with such a blessing! Every
detail is breath taking!!
Yes, believe it or not that is BB's "Aubrey by Denise Pratt. How weird is that! I hope that you felt it was worth the wait! I have Cecilia all painted so I am going to finish her and root with TNGUN's gorgeous mohair and I'll be posting her a lot sooner! LOL

From my heart to yours... Hugs, Judie www.loveisforevernursery.com

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