First and foremost, I want to thank all of my clients for adopting from Love Is Forever Nursery! I look forward to meeting more adoptive parents in 2010! I sincerely hope that you had a wonderful Christmas and have a very blessed and HAPPY NEW YEAR!
I cooked dinner and had a wonderful Christmas with my family in spite of my falling in my driveway Christmas evening. I ended up getting my hand xrayed and placed in a splint to support it. It has slowed down my baby making considerably. Thank God it was in 2009, Thank God! Still brought in the New Year quite but nice with my hubby, pup and bird sons, so that was special!
I had previously painted "tiny one" by Kymberli Durden. She's a 10 inch sculpt, of which I was completely glad of, however she's taking me 3 days to root her tiny head and I'm only half way done, a painfully slow process (My husband says I just have to be doing something. lolrothf). I'll be posting pictures of her soon, I think that she is coming out absolutely adorable! Have to decide on her eye color. She has in temporary eyes right now
Now for the good news! Remember little Nani (Samiah by Tamie Yarie)? Well, she went on a lonnnnnnggggg trip and now this little sweetie has a new mommy in Switzerland! Her mommy just sent a very sweet email that I want to share!
Saturday, January 2, 2010 9:30 AM Baby Nani arrived !!
dearest Judie!
On the last day of the old year your cute package with sweet
little Nani arrived here at our home!!!
Wow, she is even cuter than on all
pics I saw!!!
She is adorable, so gorgeous,a little miracle,an angel.....
you did a very very good work on her!Thank you so much, and thank you also for
the cute little things you put in the package for her - You are very kind and
your package was made with such a love and kindness.....just wonderful!!!!!!
The whole family(and we are a big family with 7 children!!) enjoyed to open
the American package!!!!!!
Now little Nani is very tired and she just has a
little nap in a clothes basket, she lookes so nice in there!
She is really
fantastic, a sweetie-cutie-honey-darling,hihihi........
Oh, I am really
happy and proud that I could buy a baby from you, you are a very special and
popular artist, I always look on your ebay auctions, you make it
phantastic.............A GREAT ARTIST YOU ARE!!!!!
The promised chocolate
package is on its way to you,enjoy it!!!!
So my Dear, now I must close for
today, it is already evening here,I have to start cooking with our dinner, today
we make a speciality from Switzerland,called Fondue chinoîse, with very thin
filet meat leaves in a hot bouillon and with many different dips like garlic
cream,curry cream,spices,cocktail cream, and more,yummy.....
Thank you again
for all you did for me and little Nani, she is my little sunshine and will learn
the Swiss language very fast............
Love and hugs, kindly,
Wow, and I never had real Swiss chocolate, a sweet gesture! We will see!
Keep checking on me, I soon hope to have a new look on my website! I have lots of new babies planned for 2010.
From my heart to yours...